#3 – The Magic of Life

Great idea - but absolutely impossible

That was were I started.

  • time & work
  • finances of course
  • but mainly and most of all my health

Those were the biggest obstacles on my way. Then life stepped in and started to work its magic.

Buy a ccmping vehicle and start renting it out!

Needless to say, that was one of Volkers great ideas. Fed by his ancient longing for a camping van. However, it is a great plan if it works out. And once we got a plan our now new familiy member (see above) stepped into our life. The price was 'foolproof'. Should our plan not work out we can still sell this van without much loss after this adventure.
But we love him already -parting would be hard ...

The job-thing

I'm an employee and also self-employed. Both areas looked rather difficult to be left alone for such a long time. But now there is actualy a timeframe that works perfect for both fields. The rough planning currently looks like this:

Beginng of July until beginning of August I'll criss-cross through the UK.
Beginning of August until Beginning of September I'll explore Irland.

Probably the storytelling festival 'Beyond the Border' in Wales, 7.-9. July is a good way to start.

Health - a must-have

Craniosacral therapy seems to work. The alternative practitioner achieved an improvement of my health. Nobody managed to do that before - a real miracle to me!
The headaches are now less often, less painful and shorter in duration. I don't need time to regenerate after an attack anymore. I can now dare to make appointments. Creativity and energy are coming back. I can tell stories again!

Don't fairy tales (nearly) always have a happy ending?

Okay, finances are still a challenge but manageable. Starting from 'absolutely impossible' to todays 'okay let's go' it took life not even half a year to remove all obstacles that I thought were impossible to overcome.
Just to being able to watch life work its magic is a fantastic gift. But I suspect - there's more to come ...


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