#11 – Myths, Fairy Tales, and Some Gruffness

In the middle of Edinburgh’s touristic hotspot there is the Scottish Storytelling Centre. That in itself is very remarkable to me, and it shows what an important part the telling of stories is playing here in Scottland.
A few steps further on there is a pub – ‘The Waverly Bar’. Nothing fancy and not touristy at all. Rather more like you would imagine your typical local pub.

Through the pub and up some stairs

... you not only get to the toilets but also to a clubroom? An event room? Some sort of stage room? It is said that Billy Conolly started his career her. And upstairs like downstairs nothing seems to have changed since then.

Once a month the Scottish Storytelling Centre hosts a Guid Crack

... in this upper pub room. In July it presents Susi Briggs.
So I’m thinking: ‘Great, an evening of storytelling with Susi Briggs.’ Little did I know. Everybody who felt like it was invited to the ‘stage’. And it turned into a very colourful evening. We listened to myths, fairy tales for kids (“Don’t worry, I’ll simplify the plot for you.”), some gruffy stories and some frivolities, too.

The atmosphere was boiling, electrified.

Everybody joined in and had so much fun. The room was packed with locals and tourists. Just fantastic! Just what we need ad home, too!

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