2023 - Ireland and Great Britain

Two and a half  months I've been travelling across Ireland and the UK. I have met many amazing storytellers and people. I have watched them work, learned from them, chatted with them on storytelling itself and storytelling in their country and of course got massively inspired by them.

Come along with me ...

For a storyteller presence is a very important asset There is a good reason why it comes up in so many workshops with so many different exercises to achieve it.

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Well, I have to admit - quite profanely - they actually live in my brain. If my brain has the idea that this or that story is no longer needed,

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A long time before I even had the idea for this trip the name of Liz Weir kept crossing my path. I don’t have any reliable data on this, but

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And what if you have to decide that within an instant? That could mean that you have just entered the realm of improvisation. To be honest, up until now I

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Very! If you let Rab Fulton tell them. His regular pub is the Crane Bar You find Rab on the upper floor every Thursday night in front of a crowd

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Her great-grandmother told stories to her grandmother. Her grandmother told stories to her mother. Her mother told stories to her. She is telling stories to the whole world When Maria

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Another festaival! Great!! When I’m thinking ‘festival’ ... I’m thinking hundreds of people, lot’s of shows all over the day, big tents, campers, cars – something that looks like people

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John Francis Campbell (1821-1885) collected Gaelic Stories. Just about like the brothers Grimm did. But unlike the Grimms he wrote the stories down word for word as they were told

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In the middle of Edinburgh’s touristic hotspot there is the Scottish Storytelling Centre. That in itself is very remarkable to me, and it shows what an important part the telling

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