My Story

Listening to stories is simply wonderful

Whether some aunty or the good old vinyl told them to me, I simply loved stories as a child. And ever since.

It takes a life being lived to tell them in full depth

And, of course, only to get to that point I have spent many years working behind different office desks: In the media, the finances, the educational system – employed and self-employed. I studied us humans from behind some sales counters: our big hearts, our small defects.

And so, I studied the many different aspects of human nature on its many different levels. A very enriching task.

So, with aiming for 50 it was high time to take on something new. And I fulfilled myself a wish that I carried with me for a very long time. I started to learn and being educated in storytelling.
The world that has opened to me through that is so much bigger and richer than I ever imagined!

The diversity of stories itself is more than just impressive. But to ‘take possession’ of a story, get comfortable or maybe even uncomfortable with it and then share it with others – that is a happyness beyond words I can find.